Perusse Dot Me
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed faucibus pulvinar aliquet. Duis placerat semper sapien vitae pharetra. Proin sit amet mi turpis. Aliquam bibendum porta ex, non porta dolor sagittis et. Cras in quam at orci porta tincidunt id vel velit. Nulla mi odio, dictum in eros tempor, tempor sollicitudin augue. Sed felis ex, dapibus a odio a, finibus eleifend nulla. Nullam in fringilla quam, quis lobortis elit. Etiam a dignissim diam. Proin ac scelerisque diam.
Duis euismod malesuada turpis, in egestas tellus accumsan quis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla dapibus tempor lectus nec aliquet. Vivamus tincidunt bibendum ligula eget venenatis. Proin porttitor, nibh a mattis pretium, dolor ex mattis tellus, et gravida nisi sapien id orci. Curabitur condimentum tincidunt libero, quis ultrices risus. Mauris a justo eget nulla porta mattis et gravida risus. Pellentesque rhoncus aliquet massa, quis consequat nunc. Cras quam nisl, fringilla in ligula et, finibus sodales nunc. Cras eu ullamcorper orci. Duis aliquet neque nec vehicula sollicitudin. Suspendisse ut nibh mattis, consequat mauris in, tincidunt justo. In non auctor ligula. Nulla sed ante consequat enim vulputate placerat sit amet at tortor. Aliquam malesuada sollicitudin lectus at luctus.
What Is Central Europe Known For
This article examines the historical and cultural identity of Central Europe and its unique features.
How Far Is Virginia From Russia, about 4,500 miles
This article discusses the geographical distance between Virginia and Russia.
European Central Time (ECT) GMT+1 and its importance
European Central Time (ECT) is a time zone used in several European countries.
Beautiful Skyline Drive is 25 Miles From Downtown Charlottesville
Skyline Drive is approximately 25 miles from Charlottesville.
100’s of Beautiful Rural Virginia Farm Towns
This article explores the unique character of rural Virginia farm towns and their culture.
Navigating Poland’s Public Transit System, Part 1
Introduction I am heading to the beautiful country of Poland for a hopefully exciting adventure, and what better way to do it than by utilizing Poland's public transit system? As I understand it, from the cities to rural towns, Poland's public transport network is...
I’m gonna WebP Behind the Scenes
Playing with some different image formats to see how they look and perform. Locally they look great, but I have seen too many times images look great on the local machine, but run them through a web server, and they get weird like dark and or fuzzy. I have been...
New Gear 2 Woo Hoo
No GoPro New Gear I have the latest and greatest in GoPro cameras, I think I have all the models from the 4 up to the 11 including the Max, except the 7 I do not remember why. I had 2 8's and have 2 10s, and almost had 2 11's. In having that many GoPros, I have a...
New Gear 1
I am being optimistic by titling this post, New Gear 1 because I will hopefully be getting more new gear as time goes on, and new gear 2 joins new gear 1. I received my Insta360 X3 today, now I don't jump off cliffs or out of airplanes, so don't expect that here. What...